Bigdata Engineering/빅데이터 플랫폼 R&D

[Bigdata] Yarn Resource Manager API Call

DAMAT 2020. 2. 26. 18:05

[빅데이터] 얀 리소스 매니저 API 호출



 GET "[ResourceManagerHost]/ws/v1/cluster/apps?param1=value1&param2=value2&param3=value3..."

# ex) if you want to return "states Running" by limit 20
 GET ""

Return Example

  • You can Return  JSON Type
  • 예 )
    {"apps":{"app":[{"id":"application_1579679167074_XXXX","user":"hive","name":"SELECT\r\n\t*\r\nFROM\r\n(\r\n\tSELECT","queue":"default","state":"KILLED","finalStatus":"KILLED","progress":100.0,"trackingUI":"History","trackingUrl":"","diagnostics":"Application killed by user.","clusterId":158218459XXXX,"applicationType":"MAPREDUCE","applicationTags":"","startedTime":1580883583147,"finishedTime":1580883604084,"elapsedTime":20937,"amContainerLogs":"","amHostHttpAddress":"","allocatedMB":-1,"allocatedVCores":-1,"runningContainers":-1,"memorySeconds":4133,"vcoreSeconds":4,"preemptedResourceMB":0,"preemptedResourceVCores":0,"numNonAMContainerPreempted":0,"numAMContainerPreempted":0,"logAggregationStatus":"NOT_START"}]}}


Reference :: Parameter List


Item Data Type Description
id string The application id
user string The user who started the application
name string The application name
Application Type string The application type
queue string The queue the application was submitted to
state string The application state according to the ResourceManager - valid values are members of the YarnApplicationState enum: NEW, NEW_SAVING, SUBMITTED, ACCEPTED, RUNNING, FINISHED, FAILED, KILLED
finalStatus string The final status of the application if finished - reported by the application itself - valid values are: UNDEFINED, SUCCEEDED, FAILED, KILLED
progress float The progress of the application as a percent
trackingUI string Where the tracking url is currently pointing - History (for history server) or ApplicationMaster
trackingUrl string The web URL that can be used to track the application
diagnostics string Detailed diagnostics information
clusterId long The cluster id
startedTime long The time in which application started (in ms since epoch)
finishedTime long The time in which the application finished (in ms since epoch)
elapsedTime long The elapsed time since the application started (in ms)
amContainerLogs string The URL of the application master container logs
amHostHttpAddress string The nodes http address of the application master
allocatedMB int The sum of memory in MB allocated to the application’s running containers
allocatedVCores int The sum of virtual cores allocated to the application’s running containers
runningContainers int The number of containers currently running for the application
memorySeconds long The amount of memory the application has allocated (megabyte-seconds)
vcoreSeconds long The amount of CPU resources the application has allocated (virtual core-seconds)
limit int the # of returns limit